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Magical disappearing object between Arnold renderview and maya renderview

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Adamp34 node
So, The issue i'm having this morning is really strange - I've basically been updating some texture maps in photoshop and then adjusting some colours in Maya for a model i'm working on (this is a learning project - i'm still learning).

I rendered everything fine in Arnold using Arnold renderview....IPR working fine all good. Until......I decided to render in Maya renderview because, why not? In Maya renderview my model is invisible, this was working fine yesterday and is a multipart model. I've checked the render stats for each piece also. The background geometry renders fine and has the same material on it. the only thing that has change between yesterday and today is the texture maps and colour on SOME parts of the model.

Has anyone Come across this before? Has this file corrupted?


  • throttlekitty
    Are you doing anything special with Render Setup for layers or AOVs that would dis-include this model from the render? Does the material maybe pull transparency from the texture?

    I've come across similar effects when it comes to objects that have multiple per-face material assignments. I have a thread about that, but there's no real clear fix or way to avoid it other than deal with it or break down objects by material. This could be your problem, hard to say without seeing your scene. If you do Windows>General Editors>Hypergraph: Connections, and see multiple links from the geometry shape node to a material, it may be the cause- I don't really have this one nailed down since it's a little random. I've been able to fix it by doing the "combine with a cube then delete the cube" trick most of the time.
  • Adamp34
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    Adamp34 node
    nope not really, I had a custom AOV set for AO and IDs attached to the respective shaders and that was about it.... As this is my first time using Arnold and well doing most of this i'm not really going under the hood to do anything fancy. Per face selections seemed like a bad idea and gave pretty terrible results so i've used a layered shader and multiple layered textured along with a mask (slowly getting more confident with networks). It was all working fine through Arnold IPR so the assumption was that everything was ok until I hit the button for Maya renderview.

    I'll attach an image...maybe you can see a massive clanger of an issue. This is my first time modelling a shoe so critical input is always welcome!

    Ok the site is NOT allowing me to attach an image :( if you DM  me in can send it phillips.a.adam@gmail.com
  • throttlekitty
    You should only need to drag and drop an image from explorer into the edit box to post an image. There might be resolution/filesize constraints in play- but you can always post it to imgur or something and link that.

    I can't think of anything that hitting that render view would do to the scene.
  • Adamp34
    Offline / Send Message
    Adamp34 node
    yeah it says I need to be here longer... ah well.

    Ive stuck it on Behance www.behance.net/gallery/60821391/Shoe
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