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Scene critiques

polycounter lvl 3
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YaboyZay polycounter lvl 3
These projects I was practicing with shaders and image textures. To make some of my texture maps I was using Substances B2M. I not sure if I am making my textures correctly or not but it would be very helpful to get some pointers on it. 

This was a school project I made in school. Its suppose to be a control room and I wanted to try and make a dark atmosphere that is lighten up by buttons and the monitors.

This was a practice using Arnold shaders and B2M in maya. I was trying to make a wine glass with some wine in it. For the background I was playing around with the noise texture to make a bump map. For the wood floor I brought it in to B2M to try and make texture maps for it.

This was a another practice I was doing for texture mapping in blender.

I've seen a lot of videos on isometric rooms and wanted to give it a try for myself.


  • artrynk
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    artrynk polycounter lvl 19
    Yeep,its a novice level,its not a critique, I was the same and many of artists starts with it (my art was more terrible than yours,3DsMax1,no SPainter,no Zbrush).Try more complex art, improve your skills)
    OK - space control room.... whats a point??? accent/point of interest on what?? what do you want to show with this picture to a viewer?
    What Im think?  boring, yeep.... ok ,skip my thoughts )   how separate your planes? foreplane- middle-plane- backplane ? which object main, which secondary? Golden rules  in this scene?
    Wine Glass - Its shader/material setup, what with that reflection? which skybox around this glass and how form of light points reflects on to surface of glass? (Lights ,reflected  on glass usually more brighter than environment around it), try make glass sphere for the first, separetly, and after that explore refraction of glass and wine
    wall and table looks like 2 planes with bump map, no light info ,(spec) , no any idea , how it was lighten/
    fast food stuff - wood floors with this type of material always  have a little  more reflections, brick wall....its a BIG BRICK ))))) and its like glossy?
    isometric room, simple  and stylish )its not bad 
  • Ayples
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    Ayples vertex
    Hey good starts. Let's see. Starting with the control room, I think the emissives are too bright and saturated. I like the mood of the dark room with glowing bits, but if the sculpts have little detail you really need to make it up in the textures. 
    The wine glass looks really thick around the cup and too thin on the stem. Also the bump mapping on the wood grain is too big, it should be a finer texture or mostly just flat with a few nicks it it's a finished table. The bricks are super big next to the chairs also.
    I actually really like the isometric room. It's got a nice simple style similar to a lot of indie games.

    All in all I'd say find a focus. If you're trying as an environment artist you have to tell a story, like artrynk says, there needs to be a point of interest. Really work on an individual asset and make really good materials for that. It's also unclear if you want to be stylized or realistic with your textures. Post the process for your textures so we know what you're doing if you specifically want feedback on that.
  • YaboyZay
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    YaboyZay polycounter lvl 3
    I see what you are saying. I never really took into consideration how to set up my planes and need to keep that in mind. I will do back to make improvements to my scenes, textures and do a bit more testing with the shaders. Thank you for your comments.
  • izaakb
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    izaakb triangle
    Something that I might be able to suggest is what are some references of cool things that you're wanting your work to look like? I think once you figure out what style direction you want to take. It's also important to establish what your focal point should be. Like what's going to be the coolest looking thing in your scene? And how will everything else compliment that.
  • YaboyZay
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    YaboyZay polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah lol i didn't want to flood the section with projects but yeah I will do that. Thank you both for your feedback its very helpful and I will think more on my concepts and direction I want to take on my work.
  • YaboyZay
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    YaboyZay polycounter lvl 3
    Good luck on your projects  :) 
  • YaboyZay
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    YaboyZay polycounter lvl 3
    Ayples said:
    Hey good starts. Let's see. Starting with the control room, I think the emissives are too bright and saturated. I like the mood of the dark room with glowing bits, but if the sculpts have little detail you really need to make it up in the textures. 
    The wine glass looks really thick around the cup and too thin on the stem. Also the bump mapping on the wood grain is too big, it should be a finer texture or mostly just flat with a few nicks it it's a finished table. The bricks are super big next to the chairs also.
    I actually really like the isometric room. It's got a nice simple style similar to a lot of indie games.

    All in all I'd say find a focus. If you're trying as an environment artist you have to tell a story, like artrynk says, there needs to be a point of interest. Really work on an individual asset and make really good materials for that. It's also unclear if you want to be stylized or realistic with your textures. Post the process for your textures so we know what you're doing if you specifically want feedback on that.
    Sorry I didn’t see you comment at first. Thanks for you feedback and I will get on that with the textures
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