I've been designing stuff for quite a few years, but I've been too nervous to show anything really outside of friends until now. I'm hoping this is gonna be my year. I'm currently doing a 100 days of level design challenge.
Because around the 38 minute mark they basically state they blocked out the city.
I'm obviously not a level designer, but I thought Id offer some food for thought.
If you're looking for some fresh perspective on level design, I personally found this video series to be really inspiring:
https://youtu.be/4HMtju0BjAo -open world level design featuring Fallout 4; heightmaps, signposting and meshes
https://youtu.be/s2wQNTQuDDo -level design featuring prey- in depth analysis of how space works in relation to the player
https://youtu.be/JKn7u09mR8M -modular reuse theory featuring Neir: Automata
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgmX4icpN3HnOOwYtmyYz2w - a popular 'speed level designer' on youtube. Notice how he's composing his shots, lighting, and often telling a story.
If level design is what you're focusing on, I think these videos will be useful to you.
If you want to do environment art, theres some handy advice earlier in this thread.
best of luck!
Most environment artists tend to end up doing set dressing, similar to what you are doing, however they also had different props to make as well from scratch.
EDIT: Didn't realize there was a second page that already showed the above. Woops