Hi, despite the fact that I am in the cg industry since 15 year, I have never done a full character. I more a hard surface guy I took this old concept that I had drawn and reworked it
there is my high poly so far, body and face is still basic for now, I have plan to add more details the armor is almost done, I have to sculpt detail with mudbox later the pants is done with Marvelous designer, but I dont now if its the right way, maybe its better to pose the character before adding the pants (for got nice wrinkles) Also I have got not idea how to work with beard and hair, I have start to sculpt the beard but for the low poly Its better to work with alpha planes ? Thanks for viewing
Hey @low_seb! I think the style is looking good for the character, but his neck and scalene muscles might be coming out too far. I'm not sure if the references you're working off of have a really thick neck but it might help to thin it out a little. It's not so noticeable when he has the armor covering that area but his anatomy could use some more attention around those parts.
It's great that you're including these updates and your own improvements on things. Keep up the great work!
thanks for the crits , I thin the neck and it fit better with the collar, I dont use particular reference , just some anatomy base reference Adding some details, scars
starting to detailling the body, arms and hands for now but I need some feedback about my proportions, I have the feeling that the head is too small ? thanks in advance
I think this is coming along quite nicely. I'd probably take a step back on the face details and go into adding more secondary forms to help give the character some grit and feel aged.
thanks for the review, @Tectonic Yes have tone down the neck and also the ribcage but too much now @Piffles , thanks for the reference, I have reworked the the face but without going that far Back after few days with pro work, Going for a face retopo, baking and texture , and some test texture of some armor parts need to work on the leather and obiously the facial hair
the armor is almost done, I have to sculpt detail with mudbox later
the pants is done with Marvelous designer, but I dont now if its the right way, maybe its better to pose the character before adding the pants (for got nice wrinkles)
Also I have got not idea how to work with beard and hair, I have start to sculpt the beard but for the low poly Its better to work with alpha planes ?
Thanks for viewing
and the little trinkets,
It's great that you're including these updates and your own improvements on things. Keep up the great work!
Adding some details, scars
but I need some feedback about my proportions, I have the feeling that the head is too small ? thanks in advance
In the link below you can see that wrinkles, while not deep, have some depth to them because the skin between them is looser and protrudes just a bit. Your characters facial skin feels too smooth and young for such an old gentleman. http://orig13.deviantart.net/7337/f/2008/219/0/c/this_old_man____by_salemwitch.jpg
I would personally push those cheek bones so his face feels more sunken in.
@Piffles , thanks for the reference, I have reworked the the face but without going that far
Back after few days with pro work, Going for a face retopo, baking and texture , and some test texture of some armor parts
need to work on the leather and obiously the facial hair