First of all Happy New Year guys!!!
I decided to model some weapons for my portfolio and maybe adding them for sale later, for unity and UE4 marketplace maybe.
I`m not doing full interior shells, so yeah will see how this goes.
I will be using this thread for all the weapons so here we go!
First model it`s S&W SD9VE pistol.

And here is what i have so far. ( not yet smooth and interior not very accurate, not seen in-game anyway.

Yeah i know, i saied that above that is not smooth yet:)
As you can see in the picture below i have added the S&W text, if i want to sell the gun should i delete that text or any other logos that are on the original model?
And should i change the name of the gun to ?
How do you guys handle this things ?
I've seen trademark lawsuits where they sue over either logo, trademark or silhouette similarity. The only way to completely avoid a potential lawsuit is to design your own weapons.
Generally a lawsuit starts out as a cease and desist though so I would do a trademarked one. If that gets heat, comply with their demands and say sorry. I would like to hear others' thoughts on this though.
Now about the legal stuff, what if i change the design a little, maybe 20 % and add some sci-fi design to it, but not to sci-fi, because i still want this to look like a real gun. Should that work without problems? And also adding my own text and logos.
Here I can get away with pretty much anything because while Copyright laws are boring, they grant me some protections. Derivative works such as pictures, paintings, games and video are protected as long as my product doesn't directly compete with theirs.
Trademark laws are pretty strict. They made their logo, so they get to deny me usage of their logo.
Both laws protect me in that they'll have to first give me a cease and desist order, and I will have x amount of weeks to comply.
Hypothetical: I can make a 100% accurate model of an iphone, slap a glock logo on it and sell it. Apple can't sue me for likeness of their phone because in making it, the model is more mine than it is theirs, and they don't sell 3d models. Derivative wins. Glock can however sue me for using their logo after and if I don't comply to the cease and desist.
If Apple and Glock then go into a model selling co-branding deal and start selling a product similar to mine, I would have to cease and desist unless I wanted to lose in court.
Real world example: H&K sued some airsoft manufacturers over copyright (design, form) and trademark (logos and markings) . They lost the copyright suit cause H&K don't sell airsoft, but won the trademark one. Now only officially licenced H&K products (like Umarex) can use the H&K logo. Ironically, Umarex pistols are the worst on the market.
Your laws may vary, take care.
I have finished the low poly and did the baking. 6335 tris. Next texturing
What do you guys think?
Just finished the low and the bake:)
Here is a pistol that i`m working on, still need to add some details on the grip.
More screens on my artstation.