Not bad You're planning on doing it for real time? Seeing the wireframe could be interesting. Maybe the finger dirt is a bit too big, usually those lighters are bigger thant that here it makes it look really small
I think I could do it for real time but didn't plan to do it. I will post the wireframe so you can see it. Yeah I can fix the fingerprint and make it smaller.
Heyo nice job. Something about the wheel thingy is bothering me-- it just looks really flat in the sides. Also you need a more believable rust pattern. It's just a random smattering of rust right now. They tend to get more damage around the edges and the top part of the casing. Don't be afraid to put some big rust spots on there and less of the little spots. Also maybe some blackened burn marks around the lighter.
Maybe the finger dirt is a bit too big, usually those lighters are bigger thant that here it makes it look really small