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[Xnormal] bake issue for Normal map process, How to deal with ?

polycounter lvl 4
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rafastrip polycounter lvl 4
Hello , I am working on a  biped 3D character,  I made  the high poly geo in zbrush  , then decimated  and I  ve created the Lowpoly mesh in Topogun for testing , finally  make UV mapping in blender and fix some issues, such as unwelded vertx, shade geometry  , mirror process , and final step before to export to xnormal  ,I  created the "seam" for baking process (as I said)  , but the problem appears when I bake the lowpoly  in Xnormal ( V 3.xx one of the last , not the last but stable) .

 So let me introduce the issue . when I try to bake Normal map it message me with this
"The High poly model radius is less than two units (2.0) , please scale it as bit up if you get bad results".

... and I accept , and baking process starts...however I noticed some issue or weird artifacts. 

1-  what's it is this problem? ( I ve checked all the scale before in blender ,and export to blender the decimated model to check the scale , size and there is not problem , I checked the HP and the LP geos in blender cause I think is less laggy and I need a 3D package to check things ).

2 - Tired of this artifact I bake the Normal map in "substance painter"  with the 2 models,  to discart problems with 3D package... in substance painter the the normal process was awesome , and not artifact....even I do not use cage and the raytracing process was the default one... However I would like to create the normal map in Xnormal , do not why .  So at this point I know exporting process since zbrush-topogun-blender is not a problem...(scale, -90 Y axe and that old stuff in the past  ) the problem is some think in Xnormal....

3 - There are several options in xnormal...in the Higher box , (where you put HP model) and also , options in the Lower box (where you drag the LP geo ) ... that options , includes "scale" wich by default is "1.000" not "1"  , batches protection , type of smooting (for normal map I suppose)  and option for cage ,but in this case I not using cage....  should I change the scale ? I am not big fan to change the scale in 3D program , I always checked as 1.000 in whole axes.


  • Ghogiel
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    Ghogiel greentooth
    1,2,3: Sounds like your meshs are tiny according to the warnings.  Ask yourself what scale are the meshes in blender as well as the unit scale of the blend scene. What is the scale in your obj exporter settings (assuming you exported using objs). I do know that in the past if you try to bake AOs in xnormal with arbitraily small or large meshes it'll have too much or too little cover due to the distance discrepency.
    So yeah just use any way to make the meshes larger eg: set scale settings in obj exporter/ adusting scene scale or just scale them up and reset transforms before export.
  • rafastrip
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    rafastrip polycounter lvl 4
    here as you can see scale factor is 1.000 (for x,y,z) while , bingo , dimensions are very small!! (0.032, 0.043, 0.039) in blender's unity , which blender units are the same as meter . So ...let me think , this stuff is in cm...really small ...  I always try to take the scale as a factor in 1.000 .... I think it was a bad joke from xnormal to scale the mesh... in general when you go for baking you are very happy , cause it is easier than modelling ... but in life we learn everyday.....I am going to scale the higpoly too I think ...ok man! thanks for your help .

  • rafastrip
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    rafastrip polycounter lvl 4
    to fix the problem I scale a little , you can scale in xnormal or blender the LP and HP ,  and that fixs the problem , tx
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