Long time lurker; first time poster. Finally getting more confident with my work to post but need help non the less. I'm trying to sculpt Christopher lee. This is where I am now; I am looking for some solid critique to try to push this farther.

I will suggest to get a better reference to work from .If you can't find good on the internet watch some of movies he is acting and hunt for front ,side, few different 3/4 views any closeups for features and details (get same age as you want him to be in your sculpt )
Also do few skull studies (if you don't have digital one let me know), his brow cheek and chin are missing solid skull structure underneath
From the line up below you can see that features and not in correct relationships especially depth relations
It's really Helpful. I don't Currently have a skull. I would love one if you got a good one.
You're probably right about practicing with a skull.