Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

[WIP] My January-February Challenge Progress

I am just getting into environment art after a few years in the 3D generalist/Motion graphics artist area of 3D art, and am looking forward to where it takes me. This challenge should be a great way to kick things off I think. Anyways, here is the first concept I am going to tackle with a basic overpaint to help visualize density and object type. 

I will be using Blender 3D -> Substance Painter/Designer -> Unreal Engine for my software, and a bit of Photoshop etc. added in when needed for things like decals etc. 

Let's see where this goes I guess 


  • jwsargent_me
    I have made it through the initial blocking phase, need to tidy a few things up in the layout and scale department before working on the final modeling phase. Need to add wires etc as I get closer to finishing the model as well.

    There are a few issues with the concept that I am interested to see how people overcome, most notably the lack of clarity as to how the rope ladder/platform/stairs section works. All in all I am happy with the progress so far though. Let's see where this goes . . .

    Thoughts and critiques are welcome, now is the easiest time to fix major issues. 
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