Currently trying to learn NDO to create tileable normal maps, just playing with scifi panels. And I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but seem to have lost my work several times due to me having probably the wrong layer selected. It seems to destroy all the work I've done, fair enough if I've made a mistake usually i'd just undo but NDO seems to lose all undo history once I make this mistake which means I'm working almost nervously.
Before this image I had a few folders with some intersecting panels. I went to create a new selecting and hit the convert to normal button and I ended up with this...

Now I can only step forward and backwards between what you see above and the following..Cannot go further back which means my prevous work is lost.

Is this just the nature of NDO as it's pretty punishing if it is.
I think you'd benefit from my NDO tutorial. It should help reinforce the workflow that NDO expects. Let me know if that helps out!