Hello Friends,
I´m Splix and i´m 25 years old. I discoverd the fun of drawing 3 days ago (01.01.2018), so spend the last hours watching tutorials and painting stuff.
This "stuff" is so good, that i want to share it with you :P
Just kidding...
As said before, i´m into it since 3 days so i´m far away from being a pro artist. But thats why i´m here
My goal is to share my work with you, and hopefully get some feedback to get better and better!
With that said, have fun watching my stuff
I started with a normal pen and after i had a rough sketch, i repainted it in Photoshop.
The inspiration of this character is from Jazza - from the YouTube Channel "Draw with Jazza"
I started coloring it when i was happy with my outline. The problem i have now is that i dont actually know, how to add more value to it. It fells kind of flat to me you know... without any "magic"^^
Any ideas on how to make it look better?
Paintovers would be awesome!
-The complimentary colours actually lends pretty well to the piece and desaturating the red might help out a bit.
-The face isn't actually half bad in terms of shape it works quite well but some things to keep in mind is the shape of the skull, you can see the characters right eye falling off the side of the head (and as such makes the piece lose depth). One of the eyebrows are sliding down the inside of the nose and doesn't remain symmetrical with the eyebrow on the other side. I don't have too much gripe with the lips just remember the shape of the skull. the end of the nose is painted over but still better nose than anything I do lol.
- people generally have more hair and i feel like if you haven't seen that yet you will now i have pointed it out, she seems a little too bald on her right side.
- the cloak is the biggest issue with depth, the fabric looks either extremely thick or 2D. this can be kind of fixed with a proper values but it seem like a construction/sketching issue.
- values is an important concept to bring up because the colour is very blended in and flat, but tbh i dont know how well i can speak about fixing them so i might have a go at a paint over.
I know i didnt really say how to fix any of this but hopefully you can figure it out (soz)
I might get back with a paint over but until then have fun painting and amazing first paint
I really appreciate your "fixes"! All of what you said makes totally sence to me now and was really helpfull as well!
I also figured some thing out for myself... I think i need to find my own style first. What i mean is, do i want to paint some anime style or some comic look or realism. i acutally kinda mixed in some anime/comic style and tried to blend in the colors like its a real painting.
I watched some videos about how to color anime or comic charactes which helped me pretty well!
At the moment i dont do some digital art, thats why i didnt posted stuff for a while. For now i try to get better with pen and just do sketch after sketch on some real paper. Just to get some feeling
Mostly i try to copy charactes i like from other artists, because atm i´m not able to create some art from my own imagination. But i think it will come by time :P
PS: @GGYUC as mentioned before, a paint over would be awesome!!!
EDIT: As i was writing my text above, i thought it would be a good idea to show you my progress i did with pen and paper. So i made some pictures
This sketches are my own stuff
This young lady was painted after i watched some tutorials by
And last but not least, i wanted to do some profile of a women head. So i tried to do it. Here i didnt use any references. Maby thats why some proportions are not that nice^^ Here i think the nose is very nice and also the eye. Had some problems with the hair, the ear and also the lips.
As always, feedback is highly appreciated!!!
Today i worked on a Drawing of a Pokemon called Aron in english and Stollunior in german... if you want to have a look at it haha
ATM it´s more a sketch than a real drawing but maby i will paint it with even more detail in the future.
I used the picures i found on Google as reference but then I tryed to create a little different style. I didn´t want it to look that "cute."
I also added a rock in front of it -> Was my first try to draw rocks so also for the rock, feedback would be nice :P
With that said, i hope you like it
today i was drawing the same Pokemon (Aron / Stollunior) as above
I kinda have some problems with shading... i don´t know when i have to draw light or shadow in an appropriated way.
Never the less here is my final piece of today. Tomorrow i will start with something new - don´t want you guys to get bored :P
Wish you all a nice evening!
but you look like you are getting better. I recommend looking into Anatomy for Sculptors.
its a resource for 3d Sculpting but its invaluable as an anatomy resource (you can get a free trial and look at it that way)
this along with understanding the shape of the skull might help you (the mouths on your characters look very planar when in fact the bottom lip is a lot further behind the upperlip.
the rock in the aron picture is pretty well done bu a bit more work on reference may be needed for the aron (look at the arms as they seem like they shouldnt be able to bend).
I like the second aron more but his head should be bigger and his feet should be pointed.
as for shading you arent doing half bad you learn more as you go, watch videos on bounce lighting and shading on youtube there are quite a few
checking out Sycra.net for resources may also help you out
heres an edit on your aron still learning myself so sorry i cant do humans very well yet
This is Feng Zhu's Channel, it might be useful.
Good luck!