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Eepox's concepts & hand painted stuff

polycounter lvl 7
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Eepox polycounter lvl 7
Heya! I thought that to keep myself motivated to do more 3D stuff, I'd start a thread here on Polycount for hand painted models & concepts :) I enjoy illustration, and combining that with 3D models. I made this set of weapons that I'm going to make hand painted props of. Thoughts and feedback on the concepts, and the props as I work along, would be very welcome!


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    MAATT polycounter lvl 5
    Your designs have some really interesting details - the algae on the crab claw / handle, and the serpentine-like scales on the sword.. Too cool!

    One question though, is the yellow material on the sword supposed to be coral or gold? The shape is throwing me off a bit I think.
  • Eepox
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    Eepox polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comment @MAATT , appreciate it!

    If you mean the middle weapon, that was supposed to be starfish - I can see now what you mean! It looks pretty glossy and hard in the concept. :) I realize now I should have looked up more references for that, so thanks for pointing it out. After quick googling I got some ideas on how to convey it better!

    Started modeling the sword and work on the UV map which still needs a bit of tweaking, like adding padding at the edges and I need to redo the UV of the grip. The grip part perhaps also doesn't need just so much texture space, though I could imagine the sword equipped on a character's back / hip too, where more of it would be seen compared to when being held. Perhaps I should also first model all of the weapons before jumping into texturing, to make the level of detail consistent across the items. As always critique is welcome!

  • Eepox
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    Eepox polycounter lvl 7
    I've been working on the sword on and off. I ended up redoing the UV map and here's a textured version of the sword. It still needs work; tightening details and lighting adjustments, making the seashell parts more glossy etc. While working on the texture I've deviated a bit from the concept that I touched up after MAATT's feedback (I made the yellow seafish read more clearly), but I think the changes are for the better with contrast and color variation.

    A couple of people said that the grip reminded them more of corn than an aquatic element. Do others agree? I might go back to concepting to try something different for the grip part, and in the least make the material look more glossy and hard, to see if that'd help fix the confusion? I'll probably work more on some of the other concepts after recent feedback I got, like adding more patina to the metals.

    Thanks to the people of the Handpainter's Guild discord for their helpful feedback!
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