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Mesh edges showing through the normal map in UE4 [SOLVED]

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Hi everyone,

I am having the following problem:

This is my bake in Substance painter

The indented gradient shades nicely here.

The same mesh in UE4

The hard edges in Maya

SP baking settings

I also tried baking in Handplane to a 16-bit tiff, with the same result.

What could be the issue and is this the expected behaviour?


High poly - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuwURCaONk7jgkhnG0a3DXW9SUQb
Low poly - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuwURCaONk7jgkrZCgaZOrSXbNCF
Normal map - https://1drv.ms/i/s!AuwURCaONk7jgkkFjCXd9eIUshsw

Thank you


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