I have an alembic file that I've exported from houdini, and as a material I'm using textures from substance painter, using which I baked on high res detail to a normal map. This works fine on a single static OBJ version of the mesh, but when I apply the same material to the mesh animated in the alembic cache, the normal map is displayed all messed up, and this causes even more problems when I try to add the metalness mask.
The UV's are the same for both objects, and the vertex normals should be too, and you can see that the uv's are at least are because some of the detail in the cracks is visible, but for some reason there are unsightly blemishes all over the place.
Any idea why this could be happening and what I can do to solve it?
I've attached an image of the problem, the alembic file is the mesh on the left. the normal mesh is the one in the middle, and the one on the right is the normal mesh after lighting is built. This also causes some blemishes but nowhere near the amount. I should add the normals are messed up before I apply the material, but it definitely highlights the problem!