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[WIP] Scifi Space Station - feedback and advice welcome :)

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stryct null

this is my first post here. I really want to improve my art this year, work on my "non-technical" skills more because I realized that that is way more important than I thought until now.
Thats why I want to document the whole creation process of my renders.
Starting of I want to create a space scifiy render of an artificial gravity station that I came up with during a boring lecture :)

Sorry in advance for this long post, but I spent quite a bit of time concepting this whole thing this time and I would greatly appreciate any advice I can get as this is my first time trying to do things properly :)

- - - (technical) CONCEPT - - -

Some thoughts on the subject (you dont need to read this ^^):
The Idea is that its supposed to be a station that is fully autonomous and therefore can be used far far away from earth.
It gets launched in one piece folded up and one it arrives at the destination, it will unfold itself.
It docks to a small asteroid on one side while the other side is the habitation module. Both parts can then rotate around the center piece which is stationary and can therefore be used for solarpanels, radiators and docking ports (because quickly rotating solar panels and docking ports would be quite stupid :D, also it would but unnecessary stress on the components).
The asteroid can be mined for resources that are used various things (fuel, minerals for plants,...).

(I know im not good at drawing ... but hey)

- - -  COMPOSITION - - -

I already did some quick concept modeling of the station and some asteroids to frame the shot:
Is this drawing the viewers attention in enough or should I change something about the comp?
I think that by creating a sharp contrast with the strong lighting thats mostly coming from behind the station it draws the view to the station first. Then to the planet in the background thats going to be a little more interessting in the future. Maybe I will need to create an asteroid belt around the planet that will guide the viewer to the from the station to the background.


I want to go with a monochrome color scheme but Im not sure if I wanna go for a purple bluish tint or a "marsian" (orange - brown) one, although I think that everyone is using blue/purple so I might go with orange :). But in the end it's still easy to change because its just a click of a button in photoshop :D

(Saw this on Neil Blevins Blog...)

I hope this wasn't too much at once and if arrived here I greatly appreciate it <3.

If you have any advice (especially on the composition) on anything please let me know as I want to improve.


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