Would be nice. It was years ago that we got all the category sorting tools for the feeds, but those features never made their way to the search, which I think is basically useless as it stands.
The systems are all there clearly, for the feeds, I'd just like to actually get some use out of the search because right now I just wade through tonnes of work that doesn't really fit what I'm looking for i.e characters when I'm looking for environments, or 3d stuff when I want 2D etc. Being able to at the very least narrow down categories and medium would be grand.
Artstation doesn't have a forum but I figure they might see it here, and gauge interest from anyone here that may also want some improvement there.
Managing expectations, it may be literally months (more likely quarters) before we can look at this. There's just too many priorities right now and we have to focus. I'm very sorry if this makes the site less useful until we do so. It's just the reality of managing such a large platform with limited resources.
This is on the roadmap though, so please continue to discuss and give us more clarity in terms of what search features you'd like.
Thanks, and happy new year.
Pretty sure everyone would love to be able to search for something and use the same filters that the trending page has. Right now if you search for something you get everything and you can't filter by subject matter.
@leonardteo are you guys planing to add something like a trending wall for blog post too in the future? or the search actually catching the blog keywords/ tags?