Hello. This my recent project for job portfolio. :-)
This is my reference art:

Reference modeling:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z6GunNKpSIThis is so far what I've done:

This is not done yet. However, I would like to upload all of process for the future students' sake. :-)
This is lo-poly work:
And, this is hi-poly:
The wire frame is very thick because I use "crease" tool so can smooth mesh without breaking original form.
I am now trying to bake normal map which is the hardest part.
I gladly accept all type of opinions or criticism as well :-)
So the inside does not need modeling in general. Can you try to make this less than 500 polygons?
Hello, Larry. Sorry for late answer :-)
I want to present inside as well since I am trying to show something awesome.
If I don't make inside, it could be a lot easier.
All the yellow lines can be a normal map. The green and blue are just an example of all the simple shapes you can make and bake the details on. Even if you want to show the inside, this should not be more than 1000 tris.
I thought you want me to create something, and don't worry about number of poly counts yet (at least when I create N99). :-)
Do you think now I need to considering number of poly count from now on?
hm... what about this? I will create ZZ - grenade for now. I will consider number of poly count and try to reduce it in the next project.
You need to understand where you should spend more polygons to create something better and where you can just bake the information into a normal map.
At the very least, the outside part of the grenade could/should be all baked in a normal map.
When you search for a job in 3d industry you need to show these things:
You can model anything in 3d
You know the techniques required to make games without "weird" errors
You know what to bake in a normal map and what not
You make smart choices in number of polygons without losing quality
I understand it now Larry. Actually, (this sounds like the excuse but) I also planned that I could bake the bumpy anti-slip part of the shell of the zz-grenade instead of modeling.
However, same as N99 pistol, this is for FPS Game. Protagonist will hold the grenade right in front of his face or camera! I do not underestimate the power of normal map. I just thought that I should not skip the detail for this reason.
I did not mean to ignore your advice. I totally think you are right. And, I am also big fan of the normal map. However, let me work on for this project (I already spent too much time for this). I will check what you listed from the next project. I guess I am ready to consider the # of polygons for the industry requirement.
Actually, the quality is a lot better!
This is not done yet. Although I guess I am done 80% for lo-poly
Thanks Olingova. Long time no see. Actually, recent version is simpler then previous. However, the quality itself is a lot better to bake the normal map.
I am kind of scared to create high poly that has beveled edges to create normal map.
Previously, I bevel the edges on the lo-poly only. But, in this time, my lo-poly has no bevel edge; however, hi-poly does. I hope I can bake the map well.
To make this easier, one thing i personally do, i give the low poly green material, and the high poly red material, and i carefully fix the geometry so that i cannot see any green
1) The first thing you really want to do is take everything out of the 0-1 space. Take the largest and easiest uv islands and start building up out of the bottom left hand corner. Try to keep things packed in a square as you build out. Then once everything is placed, scale up to fit.
2) Keep things aligned well. It seems you have this down for the most part. Keeping straight islands straight.
3) When possible, and if it doesn't distort the texture much if at all, straighten as many edges as you can. For example that bottom center island can definitely be straightened out. This will allow you to pack things far more easily.
4) On the circular components, if you can't straighten them because of distortion or otherwise, try to prioritize uv texel density and shrink one circle and encapsulate it in the other. Circular uv islands waste an enormous amount of space, and you should do everything possible to avoid having them with nothing inside of them.
This is what I've done so far:
And, this is my normal map applied lo-poly:
Sorry for bad quality of pictures. I do not know why. It seems fine when I took a picture. But, quality is damaged when I uploaded it.
There's some issue of normal map that I need to fix it. :-)
Nice to meet you Jack, and sorry for late answer. As you said, uv-mapping is very tricky job to me. But, I totally agree that I need to adjust so it should not waste space.
Also, have you tried uploading your images to a place like IMGUR and THEN posting it here?
There are three things I must check before I bake the normal map. I will write down here for the people who are suffering because of bad normal map especially edge parts :-)
1. On the uv-mapping, cut the faces by edges that will be beveled in the hi-poly (red lines, in this case), and keep the distance from each island.
2. Bevel larger until you can figure out the difference between hi-poly and lo-poly from the distance. If hi-poly and lo-poly are too similar, computer will fail to understand what the lo-poly or hi-poly is
3. This is not required; however, increase segments of bevel. So, computer can bevel smoother.
And, this is my result. Lo-poly ZZ-Grenade with normal map
This is not completely done yet.
The plastic is way too new.
I need to add paper, paint (tattoos), and normal map holes. :-)
This is my recent work :-)
I think I have two issues here
1. Stencils(such as number, icon...) are pixelized.
2. The manual paper texture on the yellow plastic shell is also pixelized because texture size and uv map are not matched.
I am referencing those scratch, dusty, edge-wear effect.
I am trying to add patterns on the grenade that "rolls around the ground multiple times" or "people touch it a lot of times"
This is the one of images that I found from the internet. As you see the blue shell, there are some bumpiness while mine is very clean and slim.
Those bumpiness came from people's touch. And, would make the grenade awesome. That's why I added my own pattern.
The rendering of Substance Painter somehow stops at the middle of the process.
Can you render this in a final render scene like Toolbag? You keep taking screenshots from the viewport of Painter, which won't give you the optimal rendering solution for this.
I just took a picture from toolbag3's screenshot function.
I am spending too many days for this project. I am getting distracted. I guess I should move on, and revisit again later. If this is not perfect yet.
Also the bit holding the ring is different shape from ref image.. In general there are some forms that differ from concept by a fair bit but there are the first that pop out,
To add onto what Larry said, regarding what to show in portfolio pieces, also ability to work from concept/ref image as closely as possible
this means, shapes and forms as well as good polish (textures and materials)
When i say form, for instance take a look at the conic metal bit between yellow fragmentation shell and fuse cap, adds a lot to the overall shape and give the grenade more elongated look and better proportion design wise, while on your model its almost disregarded and given very little spotlight... soo those kind of things
Maybe not now since its already done... since you are gonna be building this almost from scratch, but keep this in mind.
Also regarding hi polys, maybe take a look in "traditional" hi poly creation, sub-d modeling and support loops and those kinds of stuff
because for now some things are very visible in both low and high (take a look at fragmentation square there is visible polygon edges in middle of the frag square)
And there is definitely something up with texture resolution as brian said >hence pixels visible
Now since those things up there seem like im being negative >
I agree with the fellas, this one looks much better than previous one (the system works
Again the process takes time, im just pointing out stuff that i see, and that you should pay attention to in the future if not now
Keep it up