Hey everyone,
I'm going to attempt an elaborate shot that will bolster my reel a 1000% should I do a good job. It's going to take months but I need to stand out because I'm not having any luck with job hunting. I need a shot that will eliminate any doubt in the recruiters mind.
First, I'm going to write down the plot/backstory.
Then I will board it out with the cam angles I'm thinking of. Won't be set in stone at this part.
Shoot/find ref. Will be tricky finding solid ref for some parts of the shot.
Then start working on it inside Maya.
Wish me luck!
Storyboard with some reference images coming up next.
Will be keeping an eye open for updates. Lots of Syncsketch links for feedback and you will be golden!
Some ref pics of the types of people I imagine the characters to be.
The girl is a rich spoilt girl who loves shopping, etc. The dude is a Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler type of guy. I could imagine these actors to be in a similar situation as the hero in my shot. A little goofy, heart is in the right place, etc.
Storyboard is next.
I love how gung ho you seem to be about this whole thing, don't lose that spark! Personally I think you would be better off doing multiple smaller things instead of 1 big epic thing that takes months. You don't need to do some crazy epic shot to get hired, just make sure that whatever you show is really solid.
I think you're right. I'm going to rework this and make it a simpler climbing/parkour exercise. Already have an idea. Will pose up some reference next.
A lot of people (myself included) have a bad habit of starting many shots, but never taking them all the way to final. Companies want to see that you're able to stick with a shot and finish it. Every place look for something different and I know how hard it is to find a job. I would recommend doing something you're passionate about, work on making something unique with your touch. We've all seen walk cycles and parkour, but how can you make it pop?
Regarding content, you can do shots tailored to studios but you run the risk of pigeon holing to that specific place and that work may not appeal to anywhere else and recruiters may not want to send your realistic stuff to a stylized place for example - so you could just do work you enjoy and is above all good animation.
Theres also the possibility that a studio might say they want to see X, but hire someone who doesn't even demonstrate that on their reel. because its just solid work anyway.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Here is the ref:
Going to draw over it in the next few days and then start blocking on Saturday. Set myself a deadline of February 25th to have this thing fully done.
Here is schedule for this shot:
Blocking - to be done the weekend of 04/02/18 (I key every 2-4 frames for blocking)
Spline - to be done by the weekend of 11/02/18 (this is the part where I fix any major issues after switching to spline)
Polish - to be done by 25th Feb.
I will have to sacrifice sleep and I will be able to work on it for around 6hrs during the week and all day on the weekends.
Could a mod change the title of this to "AGoodFella's Progress thread" please.
As always comments/crits are welcome.
Cheers. Here's to the next six months....
I tried to do the ladder climb with only my hands like in the ref and my body said NOPE! Looking online, there isn't a ton of it as well.
Thanks for the vid.
Looking forward to seeing it finished!
Individual skill does matter. . . ALLOT. But most of the time it's timing and the studios needs that will determine if someone gets hired.
So IMO, slap that piece in your reel and show it to any eye willing to see it!
I just had a call from a recruiter about a game studio wanting to set up an interview with me.
And this was based on my current reel in my signature.