Hey everyone!
###Latest Update###

###Initial Post###
Here is a new personal project, this is based on the
Priest 0101 concept by
Aleksandr Nikonov. I chose this one because I really liked the storytelling elements, and also it's a bit different than the fantasy type art I had in my folio.
Story: The way I interpreted this, is that he inserts different cartridges in the Nintendo and each has a different religion, that get displayed on his screen. Also the cylindrical device on his collar is a microphone on the inside / speaker on the outside so it enables him to communicate in different languages.
So the whole point is he goes around in a post-apocalyptic world, preaching whatever is most likely to be adopted by the regional people!

Thanks for taking a look, and feedback is super-welcome!
@pmiller001 Thanks Paul! Yeah his arms have different proportions compared to the concept but I tried reducing the size and didn't like it/seemed less interesting. Maybe it's worse the way I did it but I guess it's stuck in my head now!
Update-- Did a lot of detailing and re-meshing, also trying to figure out what to put on his back exactly. I like the elements I have added but not completely sold on the way they are connected to him, any suggestions on that would be cool!
Redid details on upper body & almost done with staff.
@dGreenberg Thanks man! Yeah I thought I'd do it somewhat like overwatch hair, although I haven't done anisotropic hair very successfully but hope I can get some tutorials and do it more seriously on this one. Now that you mention it I probably should exaggerate some of the forms on his facial hair.
Other than that I 'm moving on to retopo, might still do a couple of details here and there before baking.
A quick pass on the skin here otherwise it's AO+Normals, around 50k tris altogether.
Textures are halfway there, need to tinker and hit some balance between all the different elements.
Any feedback is appreciated!
Feedback is still very welcome!