Home Contests & Challenges Archives Riot Creative Contest 2017 Riot Creative Contest 2017 - Illustration

[Riot Creative Contest 2017] - illustration, Prototype Viktor

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Ikleyvey vertex
Hi there, I decided to illustrate my favourite skin in the game, Prototype Viktor. I at first I didn't think to participate as I primarily do concept art, but decided to try and see how it turns out. My goal here is to have fun and learn a few things about how Splash arts function, particularly in composition and lighting. I'm a fan of the current Prototype splash art, but I'm always happy when there's more stuff for it.

I start with the references for Prototype Viktor. The official splash and the model are incredibly helpful in giving insight, as well as the animations of the character. Not only for the visual look, but for the way the character moves.

Another set of references is for the materials present in the skin. Although the prosthetics are most likely made of some light weight polymers, their visuals look like brass so that's what I will use for reference. As far as I could tell, his vest is of read leather.

Now onto sketches and thumbnails.


  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex

    First batch of thumbnails, there will be more.
  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex
    Second batch:

    Here I tried to focused more on the main features of the character; 5 showcases the dexterity of the third arm, while 6 showcases the laser. I know for certain that the arm is a quite loved feature among the fans. Thumbnails 7 and 8 put focus on his left hand augment, and 8 is him in the middle of a presentation, with scientists and engineers in awe. Number 5 is, however, too similar to the current splash art.
  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex
    I've decided to take the option 8, because I think it has the strongest storytelling potential. An argument could be made for others as well, but it feels like they'd be vague at best to people seeing this character for the first time.

    Adding labcoats to the observers in the background will hopefully communicate correctly that they are scholars, and that this is a presentation.

    Second version, lighter:

    And a third one, where I think the pose might be more dynamic:

  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex
    Oh right, I forgot stairs between the seats in the amphitheatre

    Another sketch
  • Ikleyvey
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    Threw in some colours just to check if it's working. I will most likely switch to one of the other two poses, and do a much more thorough grey scale painting, then add base colours using an Overlay layer above it. After that I'll try painting over these. I still can't decide which pose to take.
  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex

    I probably won't make it in time, I haven't worked on this piece in quite some time. So much that I in fact forgot how I did the lighting in the previous version, so this one looks just muddy compared to it.

    Regarding pose, I intended this one to be the chosen one, as he is in the middle of his frenzied demonstration. It doesn't leave the kind of impression I wanted, I think I was supposed to lower him even further - lift shoulders and make him lean more forward, to show his crazed fascination with himself.
  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex
    I just realized that in the previous version, I had a white gradient coming from the bottom, and that is how I lighted the floor of the large hall. The rest of the lighting is relying on a single circular gradient in the center, and the manually drawn two lightbulbs on each side. Their effect is just lighting up the central character though.
  • Ikleyvey
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    As you can see here, I moved the background professors to the first version, and I'm now trying to put in flat clean surfaces, before starting to polish everything without the lineart.

    I ran into a problem with the crude lighting on the main character, which I placed on the greyscale layer. I need to find a way to remove them without damaging the gradient.

    Also I have to work on the background more. The celling is supposed to be out of glass, with intricate metal frame holding it.
  • Ikleyvey
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    Ikleyvey vertex
    Alright I figured out that I in fact can make all of the levels and textures on the greyscale layer. I only wish I had made clear surfaces in the beginning, now I could have just selected them separately and shaded. I didn't think that far ahead when I was doing the greyscale layer, and muddied with all drawn-on lighting and shadows. At least now I know for future works.
  • Ikleyvey
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  • Ikleyvey
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    Sadly I won't be able to finish it on time, but I'll finish it later. I just need to continue polishing, and eliminate all these watery edges. Some areas like the collar aren't shaded correctly but I need to think about it to see what exactly doesn't work there. The background just needs to be ironed.
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