Hey all,
So I've struggled with getting proper Lightmap UVs for a while now but I just discovered a bit of info that I had never read before... apparently Lightmap UVs cannot be mirrored! Problem is, how the heck do I tell if they're mirrored or not? I can show overlapped when I render out the UVs... is there some way to show if they're mirrored or maybe better, is there a way that I can select all and reset them so that they're all facing the correct direction? My god I hate lightmap UVs!
Thanks for the help.
(helps to indicate this in your subject title)
You'll probably want to Break them off before using the Mirror Horizontal tool. Then you'll need to repack.
This is why I hate lightmap UVs. No matter what I do according to the tutorials, there's always an issue. Everything is aligned to the grid, there's more than 2 units between each mesh piece and there's no overlapping. The only thing I can think of is mirrored faces but if the select inverted isn't working I'd imagine that means no.
In 3ds Max you flip inverted UVs using a mirror tool.
I'm going to move this topic to the Unreal forum, since this is mostly caused by Unreal. So you should get better eyeballs on it.
Are you actually using the UVs you made for lightmap or is unreal making new ones? Quite often it makes crappy lightmap UVs and there's not a lot you can do to fix it.
You have to explicitly tell it to not make lightmap UVs in the mesh properties
Thanks for the help though!