I'm working on a game using Unreal Engine 4, Maya LT 2018, and Photoshop CC. My game lets you make your own character with different skin tones, clothing, and body size/shape. How can I add blood and gore to the game? Do I have to make new 3D models for each character model and clothing (which would make it take forever to do so)? Is there something else like some kind of vertex painting where parts of the body are blown off and the "holes" are filled with gore? What's a method of making gore for a game that allows you to make custom characters?
The type of blood and gore I want includes the following:
- Head Blown off
- Parts of torso blown off (depending on where you aim at)
- Slice in half (if using a sword)
- Head Bash (chuck of head is gone)
- Legs and arms blown off
- Body Skin damage
Games that share similar gore include Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, Gears of War 2, Mortal Kombat X, Leaf 4 Dead 2, Killing Floor 2, Manhunt, and/or Fallout 4.
Since Team Fortress 2 had character models, it was probably a lot easier to make gore compared to a game that has customizable characters like Fallout which means you would have to model each part separately FOR EACH different clothing, hair, faces, and body types, etc. I thought of this idea since my game will be low-poly like 1000-1500 tris polys each character, Just use a texture for clothing, skin color, hair, and faces. It would be ideal to be able to do higher poly models like 2000-3000 polys each instead with more detail and still have a good blood and gore system.
I'm not looking for something fancy like Metal Gear Rising. To be more specific to a game that has similar gore I want would be either or both like Solider of Fortune and Left 4 Dead 2.
L4d used shaders to make fake holes in enemies whereas Sof simply had the characters broken into pieces when they were built.
Both processes have been written up and published but you might struggle to find the sof stuff as it's a good 13/14 years old now (the system was called GHOUL if memory serves)
You can certainly do limb detachment with the physics/skeletal mesh setup in ue4.
Ue4s destructible object system supports cutting as well as breaking up so if it's compatible with skeletal meshes then you can basically do whatever you want. I've not tried it though so have no idea if it is.