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Trijicon CCAS and ACOG Scopes-Looking for Crit!

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willdebeast vertex
Hello, these scopes were built to go along with my other model, a Tavor SAR. Let me know your thoughts on these models, especially the topology and the textures! My intent is for them to be FP view-model quality game models for a contemporary game.


  • eCstatic
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    eCstatic polycounter lvl 14
    I'll critique the ACOG scope because I've recently made one myself. Right off the bat, I can see that it's too low-poly for a contemporary FP game. It would be fine for a mobile game however. Add some more geometry.  Some of the details are a bit out of place such as the curves that hold the bolts at the start of the scope, they should be carved in like this

    I also marked some areas where it looks like you might have some intersecting geometry. I would connect these intersecting parts.

    It also looks like youre missing the holes in the attachment hinges that would be used to mount extra sights. You have a normal map on there but its way to small in diameter, and should be modeled in instead if you're going to be using this for a FP model.

  • willdebeast
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    willdebeast vertex
    Hey! Yeah I saw your post, your model is really nice! Thanks for the feedback, when you say that I should try and model the whole thing in one piece, why is that? Is it so that there are smoother transitions between the concave intersections? Also, do you mean that I should model in the small hole in the attachment hinge into the low-poly? What is a good tri-count for something like this in your opinion?
  • eCstatic
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    eCstatic polycounter lvl 14
    Glad you like my model, I'm still working on it thanks! I'm not saying you should model the whole thing in one piece, just that its good practice to connect your geometry for smoother more natural polygon flow. I would definitely model out the hole in the hinge for a hero item like this that would be seen in first person, the more detail the better.  Don't worry too much about triangle count just get it looking as smooth as you can in areas that count the most without going overboard.

  • willdebeast
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    willdebeast vertex
    Thanks you so much for the advice! If possible, would you be able to look/critique my Tavor model? Here's the link.
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