Hi there, my first time here, I will be ulploading my progress and studies, feel free to leave some coments and feedback.
Since is now Holidays, I won't be able to draw much, BUT, since my Thresh concept art was a failure, (just for now) I decided to go to another champion, Rumble.
I thought, "why isn't Rumble part of the Omega squad yet? I mean, most of the are yordles right?"
it came to my mind one day, Rumble riding a Metal Gear Solid - like mech, and I liked.
I came up with this sketch, I will try out more thumbnails, please let me know what do you think.
These are just ideas
let me know what you think
thank you very much! I like F and C a lot, maybe I will go for C, since it has dynanism and Rumble's face is visible
I've chosen C ! I like the dynamism, and how Rumble is positioned, so we can see both, champion and mech.
Two things though,;I think in the previous version, his face looked a bit more outlined and his expression seemed a little bit better than it does now. Second, what's that pink thing under his hand?