I'm creating, let's say, mid poly trees for my game and i feel like i'm on dark side of internet right now. There are multiple tutorials and discussions about foliage and building trees but i can't find any that shows full picture.
To reduce polygon count, but keep kinda nice looks i want to use baked branch with leaves and place them multiple times on tree - standard technique for games for what i know. After that i use blender modifier: edit normals to get rid of messy shadows that this technique is known of producing. Now i have 2 outcomes:
- If the planes were single face (4vertex) polygons i get well shadowed but shallow and messy look.
- if the planes were multiple faces (5+vertex) so i can give them volume, editing normals flips them completely on some triangles so i have holes in mesh. I was trying to copy whole foliage after flipping normals and flip faces to fill up holes but obviously that makes shadows messy again and if i copied and flipped foliage before after editing normals faces direction matched on both sides.
What am I missing guys?
Sounds like you're using Blender? It helps to put the program name in your thread title, so experienced users will be drawn in to help.
About the page, yep i've seen it and i walked through every single link on this page, actually it is the place where i found out about editing normals for foliage technique.
To be completely honest with You, i don't believe myself enough to say if it is software related or it is me being dumb and i was simply scared to reduce target of ppl who could and want to help me only to blender users.
I would like to add that I chose this shape because it's similiar how they did it in "Zelda: breath of the wild", personally i think they achieved awesome results for such low poly game and i am aware that i won't get same results without their shaders and skill but for now it looks just terrible.