Hello everyone. I just whant to share my progress and have some feedbacks you know ) I found this concept but here no sign of author, so i whant to make something like it cause i love this puffs and mix of alladins and european style. And start doing some magic with blockout and staf. And then i countinue my work with simulation of cloth in Marvelous Designer. The belt i made by technique from this lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWW6AVr0QOM I decide to make gloves by hand. And start makng some retopo of all what i finished so far by Topogun and thinking about what parts i will bake and what parts will need some geometry.
So after it of cause the UV's part of process. I break it in 4 parts. So then baking process. And i made it in Marmoset there is a really cool intruments to do it. And Start texturing process in Substance painter. And improving all that staff. But i ddin't like a metall so i raise a gloss a little bit.And then put it in Marmoset and make some renders for it. But i still missing the pose cause i whant to make it in Zbrush, but here is such elements that make this task not so simple. So i just try to make some riging and put it into the pose and make new renders based on this ones. And make a Marmoset Viewer of cause. And that's it for now. Thanks for your attention and your opinion or comments -) I'll hope i will finish this soon.
That MD tutorial was cool, ive never seen anyone grab and deform the cloth like that, is that somehthing that you have to turn on in order to make that happen? I'm specifically referring to the redish dots that appear on the belt every time he grabs it.
Seems like you're pretty much done with the model, but for next time, I would watch how you do the topology on the cape. If your intent is to make a still then its fine, but if you want to bring this into an engine or game, I would try to make the topology as even as possible so that i can be animated or deformed much easier. I dont find it super necessary to follow the wrinkles, just let the normal map handle that. Try to keep evenly spaced loops as much as you can.
I would also work on your skin shader a bit more, really try to get some SSS in there.
Lastly, if you never see the characters face then disregard the SSS comment, but if you do see his face, I would spend a bit more time on the eyes as well. It seems like those have the least amount of work done on them.
Hello Jose. Thanks for your feedback. This red dots, if i understand you right, is a Pin(box) and Selest mesh (box). It's a 3rd and 4 button in the 1st row. Yeah thx for topology comment as well. A skin shader is without SSS cause it's a screenshot from substance and there is so sss materials -) It will work only in marmoset so i think i need to make a final screenshots from marmoset i guess.
Seems like you're pretty much done with the model, but for next time, I would watch how you do the topology on the cape. If your intent is to make a still then its fine, but if you want to bring this into an engine or game, I would try to make the topology as even as possible so that i can be animated or deformed much easier. I dont find it super necessary to follow the wrinkles, just let the normal map handle that. Try to keep evenly spaced loops as much as you can.
I would also work on your skin shader a bit more, really try to get some SSS in there.
Lastly, if you never see the characters face then disregard the SSS comment, but if you do see his face, I would spend a bit more time on the eyes as well. It seems like those have the least amount of work done on them.
Either way good job, keep it up
A skin shader is without SSS cause it's a screenshot from substance and there is so sss materials -) It will work only in marmoset so i think i need to make a final screenshots from marmoset i guess.