Hi , sorry for the cross posting ,I am taking path in contest at Cubebrush - Artwar2 atm , so I am working on one of my OC as my entry :P . I will posting my progress onto this pages to ask more about inputs and C&C since there are alot more game/ stylized artists in general here at Polycount than in any other places.
The topic is choosing either "light & darkness" so you can pretty guess my choice base on my thread title.
this quickly showing my moodboard and quick sketches of for my entry 's idea. I will go into more detail into the back story and write more about her design in next update - final concept. For now I just got some quick doodle and a mood board :P. I hope I will finish her on time and no rushing this time. 

Okie, Here we go .
just finished the linart for my concept art. 2 days of work so far. I gotta work a little bit on the color tone before moving on modeling her and the duo fishes.

Pisciasa is one of my many OC in my own concept series where mutant human with
superpower co-exist with bio mech monster.
I designed her based on my horoscope signs - pisces :P that 's why she got 2 fishes swarming around. These are modified bio mech dragon fish, kind of fish that are only found at the very bottom of the sea where light cannot reach. That 's pretty much my base idea for Pisciasa, well enough ranting for today update :P. I have more to come so gotta save them up for other updates as well lol.
I assume it is perspective ...
I based my pose off my rigged 3D model, yeah the perspective from below is quite hard to get this one right, but when I make her in 3D and posing later, I will have more angle to test and correct that part :P , but if anyone who 's skilled and kind enough to help me with a paint over would be tremendous appreciated lol !
just finished my color concept
spent my Christmas night on this one XD XD , so pretty much done, will move on to 3D modeling now otherwise I will be late for the Feb deadline. Hopefully I could achieve this look in the final 3D piece
ah right , I got a little Step by Step Gif, Hope you enjoy it

I am working on modeling Pisciasa base mesh and hair model atm , so havent got any major update yet, but just realize that I havent upload the 2D model sheet I made for her so here she is. The reason I have to take extra step to make this sheet is that I tried to model without model / sculpt sorely base on Concept in some of my past projects but then I fail terribly capturing the proportion and feeling of the 2D concept
. Sometime I feel it's way more easier to adjust shape & proportion in 2D medium rather than in 3D like modeling / sculpting.
Ah , right and the fishy . Quickly made this so I dont need to blind-guess sculpting too much in Zbrush later.
some bonus views :P. well.......that help with the model too....so ... yeah.
Thank you everyone for your kind comments
Here 's what I have sofar for Pisciasa model, I can quite say that the modeling for the girl is done, I will defenitely need some more polishing here and there on the model while I am working on the texture later ( like adding more micro hair strands, facial features or clothes folds etc ) .
But yeah, time is running out so I gotta move on to the fishy next.
All the hairs are modelled raw and purely in Maya using traditional polygon modeling . I tried with Zbrush at first then I failed miserably , I can't really control the curvature and shape/ twisting sides of the hair clumps perfectly in Zbrush ( by perfect I mean to match with the concept ) these are the closest I can get, If I have more time I will come back and put more time in to detailing the hair model a bit more.