Here's some rough paintover i did on top of his original concept, Its not the final concept of the skin but I will finalize it and start modeling soon. I'm following Sweetheart sona's color palette here. Not sure about the wings color i might change it to something like white-purple. I know i forgot to draw the tails ops, i'll post it on next update. Hope you like it. Suggestions and Feedback are most welcome.
I like Rakan and the idea of valentine skin on him. Tbh this recolor already looks 100 times better than Rito's official Sweetheart Rakan xD Please keep going so I can atleast dream of my lovevly Heartseeker Rakan which wont look as disastrous as Sweetheart
Please keep going so I can atleast dream of my lovevly Heartseeker Rakan which wont look as disastrous as Sweetheart