Hey everybody. I saw this concept and I really wanted to make a 3D model of it. Not only do I love the design but the concept behind it too.

I've started Phase 1, sculpting out the body and the face. This is my first real shot at stylized anatomy. Please let me know what you think of the silhouette and the anatomy, and if anything else can be done in this phase. Please don't hesitate, your feedback is very much welcome, especially since I'm just starting.

Here's a face closeup
Also for future reference, you went through a lot of work to scuplt his body, but the clothes he is wearing are somewhat loose fitting. Probably could have saved time using a generic body model.
I chose this image specifically because you can see the shape of the bottom eyelid/eye socket, an area that is really missing from your face, Hiro also has a similar face shape to the character you are trying to make.
@Alemja, that's a good reference image. It's funny not only does this character resemble Hiro but he's also kind of the same character:D
Also, here is a turnaround with his suit blocked out. I just wanted to make sure the proportions of his suit were still in check. Once again, any feedback you have would be fantastic. If anything needs to be adjusted here, just let me know. Thanks.
Also, I did some hard-surface editing to his suit so everything looks more solid now. But I just want to make sure his suit still looks ship-shape on proportions and forms.
Also here is a suit update. I added some simple wrinkles to some of his suit, just for an extra bagginess touch.
I used the jeans on this character from Fortnite as a reference.
I want to start retopology soon, so please let me know if you have any feedback for me at this point. Thanks in advanced.
I looked to this character in Fortnite as an example of how to sculpt the hair geo.
Again any feedback you have is needed. Thank you in advanced.
Look forward to updates!
Also, here is a transparent image showcasing the size of the pilot in comparison to the bot.
Again I used Fortnite as a reference:
Here's the concept again:
Over all it looks good and I want to see it finished.
They are often used with 3D cars to imitate that showroom feel.
I actually feel like they are balanced light and dark as is.
Surround him with basic objects. Maybe put him in a basic room. Make sure that room doesn't block your lights or cast shadows. This will help you see reflection, refraction, etc. and will help you with figuring out where the lighting is truly messing up. Rendering it on a solid background messes with depth perception. At the very least, set your background to be a texture or procedural or gradient or something. Even that might help you see if you have those dark areas.
I don't know how your render software works, but in my programs I can actually setup a light to exclude certain objects. So I could light only the pilot with certain lights and only the goo thing with other lights.