Hello. I'm looking at getting into the gaming industry. My skills hover between technical artist and environment artist. I'm very proficient at figuring out how to get things to work inside engines. Right now I'm working on my own game in Unreal Engine 4 using only blueprints. I guess I'm just not sure the best way to show that off. I have screenshots of my project on my page and a video on the Reel page(2nd video).
I do have 3d models, but my environment work and behind the scenes work(scripting, making things work, general game design) is what I'm best at. So I'm focusing on that. Any feedback is appreciated. I'd like to start applying to a couple local studios, but I want to make sure things are in order first. Thanks.
To me, your environment feels flat. Leaves, tree bark, ground all look like they have the same material applied to them. There's also what looks like a lack of bounce lighting. Nearly all your shadows feel black/dark blue. For a forest environment, there should be more color bouncing around and not just from the sky.
Take a look at some examples here and compare them to yours:
Also, what type of position are you interested in? It sounds like you're leaning more towards level design than art.
I am more interested in being a technical artist and a level designer. I love making things works, figuring things out, etc. I've been learning a ton on my current game project. I can do 3d art like modeling and such, but always lost interest when it came time to unwrap a model. Makes me want to pull all my hair out. Texturing used to be tedious for me before substance, but that has renewed my interest in texturing, I just haven't been focusing on that.
It looks a lot better now, but I'm still seeking any critiques and feedback. I really appreciate the input so far.
Here's the link to the screenshots I took.
I think this is my main issue with your portfolio. You label yourself as an environment artist but that isn't entirely true. You also use the term environment designer on your webpage which is uncommon and it just feels like you are trying to mislead whoever is looking at your portfolio, and maybe even yourself. You say environment art and technical art is your thing but the feeling I get from visiting your portfolio is that you are more into game and level design. I suggest you think about which aspect of game development you want to get into and then do another pass on your page bringing in some much needed clarity
But this is one of the reasons why I posted in here. I need feedback and this is exactly the type of feedback I'm looking for and I really appreciate it. I just edited my page to reflect more accurately that I'm a level designer.
Still looking for feedback on my revised level. Thanks again.
I have some additional comments that might help and they are purely based on how I would review someones portfolio if it landed on my desk.
My UI designs are on my Game Design page. I did all the art for the menu systems you see in there and made them functional as well. While they aren't finished, they're a core part of making my game functional. Should I make this a separate page, or just keep them where they are? Or do you still recommend me removing 'UI Design' from the front page?
This is really good to know. This level was for a class and I never really fleshed out an entire concept other than walking into an open area where there was abandoned torture equipment. I will expand on this level much further and probably change the theme of it as well.
Great idea! I will start working on this as well.
Also, in addition to your suggestions, should I display the entire process on the page from World Machine all the way to the end, step by step? Or just explain that in text? Thank you so much for you help!