Hey, its looking good Zik. I'm really digging that stone arch and the way its modeled. I'm not an expert on textures, but it seems to me that your stone wall is a bit too white to appear natural. Stone is usually more gray, the closest stone value to yours i could think of is limestone which would appear more yeallow. Unless its painted that is. If thats the case you could perhaps show some eadge wear revealing the true stone underneath the paint. Overall Though I can only say that its looking quite convincing. I'm also curious what software you used so far.
Thanks, Krystian! Honestly, that helps a lot. I'll mess around with the tone of my stone. In terms of software, I made a basic block out in Maya, took it into Zbrush, gave it secondary and tertiary details in Zbrush, and baked and painted in Substance Painter.
I get the feeling the foundation part of the wall is to clean and has no damage as the rest and that makes it stand out. Other than that really good piece