I recently finished my last WoW Remake:
Undercity Mailbox, and now I'm on to my next challenge! I want to remake the Stormwind Throne, because right now, poor Anduin is standing in front of it. Maybe it's because it doesn't look as comfy as it did back in his Vanilla childhood, or maybe... it reminds him too much of his dad.
So! I'll give him a new one!
Current status of the Throne remake:
Thanks @alexrc & @Gannon!
This sketching phase has been really fun! But it now time for me to start blocking out this grand throne. I'll also eventually have a colored version of this when I start to get into the texturing phase.
Feedback I got:
Someone pointed out the Warcraft movie version. Which led me to have conversations with others: The throne exemplifies strength and order. My previous columns didn't really emphasize that.
Also Widen the throne, give it a little more breathing space for the throne occupant.
Need less priesty & more Alliance! So I removed the wings.
/end Feedback