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3DS Max - Animation/Morphs - Looking for an "Impress" Solution for Mesh on Mesh action.

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
As the titles says,

Basically I'm looking for a solution akin to this http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/plugins/impressobjects (please note the plugin is outdated and is very clunky to use with an animation system), where you can move two object near each other and they can 'collide' and push each other on a polygonal level (ei; you can bake them into Morph Targets, etc later on) with the user being able to dictate the soft bodies, hard ones and which mesh pushes how much or what kind of rigidity it has.

Anyone has ideas? Even light weight solutions are welcome for me at this point.


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