i really interesting with any epics teamfight! and love baron fight the most!
i tried many ways to show us season8 is coming, but i've failed
so this idea come to me: the Baron fight in his new skin ( championship skin)
The fight decide who will win!
i have pushed much effort on this scene! and dont know if it's good enough or not!
i have sketch in some different ways:

things i want to focus here are the fight of both team again Baron nashor, and the fight between Yasuo and Riven ( who trying to steal Baron with her ultimate)

and this one:

i have change camera angle to make the Baron look more great and dynamic, then i helped to make we more focus on Riven and Yasuo too!
so i choose this is my final sketch and just make some thing around it to make it look better

and as you see, i used Yasuo Nightbringer and Riven Dawnbringer here, to more welcome to ss8 feeling!
the is all of my idea! so now we go to detailed em all!
as i said i want some focus on Yasuo and Riven fight, i want to show how she evade skill of Yasuo and use ultimate to Baron at the same time, so i try 6-7 sketch about them, pose, dynamic , and is it fit with all other characters!
when i do the reseach for Baron Nashor, i found that when Baron die, he turn to black and shattered to many pieces, and his mount glow like his soul pull out! i'm really interest on it so i fecide to bring it to my pic!
there are one more thing give me fun is Bliztcrank and Jinx, really interested when sketch em
if you see, there are Noctune comming with his ultimate, that's why i will draw blacksky where he is comming from!
there are an hidden character
after i done with those sketch, i push em all together and have the sketch below:
Dont know if it good or not! hope you guys can give me some critical so i can make it better!
i'll up to date soon...