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Anatomy studies

polycounter lvl 3
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danialanp polycounter lvl 3
Hello everyone, I open a new topic to share with you all my studies of anatomy I'm doing in ZBrush.

I would love any kind of feedback.



  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I have a few questions :
    Why did you start a fragment but not a whole figure 
    How do you control your proportion without bony landmarks or basic head ? -> for example nipples are really far a part and normally space between is one head so base on that your shoulders should be twice as wide 
    Why didn't you start from basic rib cage and pelvis and fill the gaps at least you will somewhere to hang the muscle ?
  • danialanp
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    danialanp polycounter lvl 3
    I have a few questions :
    Why did you start a fragment but not a whole figure 
    How do you control your proportion without bony landmarks or basic head ? -> for example nipples are really far a part and normally space between is one head so base on that your shoulders should be twice as wide 
    Why didn't you start from basic rib cage and pelvis and fill the gaps at least you will somewhere to hang the muscle ?
    First of all thanks for your comment, and next:
    1 - I'm focus on torso and back to improve my anatomy in these fields
    2-  I don't use any landmarks while im sculpting, I follow a lot of references like anatomy books and Grassetti's course.
    3-  I always start with a rib cage from which I extrude the rest of the body to sculpt, but I think it's a good way start from basic rib cage and pelvis to hang the muscles too.
    I don't understand the proportions of the shoulders you've commented, can you explain me please?

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Sure I made you a small diagram with general proportion of the torso 
    Chin to nipple to naval and distance between nipple approximately equal distance - 1 unit/head
    Widest point on the shoulder for male 2 1/3 
    Clavicle/sternum/scapula 3/4 
    Of course thats idealized and generalized proportion but if you stick somewhere around it you will be in good shape 

  • danialanp
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    danialanp polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks a lot for your post. 
    I will work with references and landmarks like basic head to improve the proportions.
    I will share my work soon
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