Hello everyone! I finally have enough content ready so I can start getting this thread down and the crits rolling!
As the title suggests, Obsidian Taliyah is a fiery, volcanic skin for our passionate Stoneweaver. I drew inspiration from her elemental concepts that riot put out, as well as our resident rock man- Malphite- and my interest in geology.
From the get-go, I knew this skin would be a more serious, darker skin for playful Taliyah. That initial clash was a dilemma for me, but I persevered. I aim to make the skin mischievous, mature, and a little destructive.
Here are my current mood boards/references with notes that I have set up, with additions to likely come as time passes on. (Pardon my handwriting)

The one thing immediately clear to me is the random, organic shapes that obsidian has when its forms, as well as shaped.
Looking at Taliyah's classic skin, I noted that a big theme that I want to incorporate into my skin concept is
Here is the first silhouette mockup I thought up, just to keep me on track.

The design of the armor is not final. I will have more mockups and concepts when I get off work.
I settled quickly and comfortably into a hairstyle. Keeping with the asymmetrical theme, the hair is wild and choppy.
(As seen in the image, I used Solgaleo from Pokemon Sun&Moon and Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! as inspiration for the shape of the hair.)

I'm torn between a fiery flame hair or a dark, cooler, grey to black color. (hot lava vs cooled lava) I'd love feedback especially for this.
When I work on large projects like this, I jump between different categories that I have set up for that particular project. ( if it is not clear already) I began ideating ability appearance. I kept the nature of Taliyah's stone weaving and the explosive building power of volcanos in mind.
Taliyah's iconic Ultimate tears a fault in the Rift, spewing lava, smoke, and debris, giving life to a line of mini volcanos.
This still requires some tweaking, but so far I'm into it.

That's what I have so far! I appreciate constructive critique, and any feedback you can provide! Thanks for looking!
Have a great day!!!<3
***Bonus Study Stuff***
Obsidian Texture Illustration Study