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Screenwriter & environment artist - looking for work

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Hey, everyone!
My name's Samuel Horton- I'm a screenwriter, video game writer and environment artist who is now open to collaborating on some paid gigs for the foreseeable future. For some background, I've been involved with independent video game development since 2012, most notably with Edible Hammer Games' The Solar System: Explore Your Backyard. Over the last few years, I've delved more into film and earlier this year, I joined an agency, had my screenplays go to Cannes and received offers and queries from my favorite studios, which was a dream come true. It's winter- specifically December- so things are going quiet and  I'd like to now offer my professional services as an experienced writer and environment artist.

With my writing, I am versatile with genres, but I also bring with me the promise for dynamic and well-developed narratives, with my basic outlining stage evening taking weeks, if complexity calls upon it.

With my environment art work, I'm adept with 3D Studio Max, Unreal, Unity, Mudbox and Photoshop.

If you are interested, please do DM me and should we reach an accord for the nature of the project, rates, etc., we can resume the conversation over email.

Produced writing examples:
The Solar System: Explore Your Backyard demo
Cube - short film
Alastair Tembylton - short film trailer

Environment art examples:
G-Nome remake

Post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C.

Volcanic planet


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