Hello guys...Im curentely working on a project that need some damages on walls and I dont know how is the best way to achieve that....I have a Masked Material that works on instances both opaques and with new masks and works just fine.
In this case is just a alpha texture covering this brick walls
So I tried to do the same on Decal material and its not working..
Is it possible the get a fully masked decal material ?? Because U4 just let me use Translucenty Blend Mode, even so a 100% black value shouldnt let me get a full transparency ???
Using masked material instances I got my goal but I would need to creat 6 of them and wouldnt have any control about their positions and scale.
This bricks wall has paralaxx occlusion and I want to keep that way for now.....should I use as material funcion on decals ?? Will that work ?? Is it a nice workflow ??
Need some help here....