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Run Cycle WIP

polycounter lvl 12
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Veech polycounter lvl 12
Hello all,

Just wanted to share a current cycle I am working on.
I have been having some issues with odd stuttering and was hoping maybe someone could provide some advice to help correct that issue.
I appreciate any feedback


  • conghal
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    conghal polycounter lvl 3
    The "stuttering" could be a lot of different things;
    - You might just have some keys that are too close together.
    - You might have keys that are between frames. This can happen if you try to move keys to a frame that already has keys, instead of replacing the ones that already exist, it will offset the new ones a tiny bit so that you end up with keys at frame 8 and frame 8.0001, for example. Try selecting the whole rig, double click the time slider (to select all your animation), right click, snap. If it says "Had to skip snapping on some keys...", you can open your curves, edit, select unsnapped, delete.
    - You might have some weird tangents, which can happen when you copy/paste or bake things. Try selecting the whole rig, double click the time slider, right click, tangents, auto (or linear or whatever you're using to block in).
    - You might have some gimbal problems. If you select a control with the rotation tool and switch to "gimbal" (tool settings or hold "e", hold left click, select gimbal from the marking menu) and see that two of the rotation axises are almost overlapping, this might be the problem. You can try to open your curve editor and use curves, euler filter (though that won't always help, gimbal lock is complicated).
    - You might have weird parent space things going on.
  • conghal
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    conghal polycounter lvl 3
    edit - oops, double post
  • Veech
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    Veech polycounter lvl 12
    Ill take a closer look at my keys, the issue i feel like happens when it goes to loop back to key 1 so I might have messed something up with the breakdowns.
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