Hey guys,
Im currently building a sweatshirt. I would like to get bigger, thicker folds around the elbow area, currently they tend to me a bit smaller in scale. I'd like to get the same type of folding as what is happening around the Rib area. What do i need to tweak to edit the way the clothing wrinkles?
I'm currently using R_Cotton, I made some edits: Density 85, Friction Coeffecient 65,
My particle distance is 5.0, my avatar skin off set is to 1.0mm
You can try adjusting the collision thickness as well.
Maybe try playing around with pressure as well, so it pushes out a bit as well.
You can also try to freeze everything except the arms, the elastic band as well. And drag up the cloth from the biceps, so the folds are more evenly distributed.