Hello, I create my ID color map and when quixel create the project the generated IDs leave blank spaces between materials or simple allow the wrong material into the wrong uv islands.

The color ID map I created does not have this problem.

I know how to solve the problem in a long tedious manual process, I duplicate the material group, merge the group, delete the mask, delete the parts I don't need (just leave the ones needed to solve the problem) and then DO THIS ON ALL OTHER MAPS............ probably the worst way to solve this problem.
When I have a lot of stitches or small details on my cloth models it becomes a real nightmare, I already tried modifiying the generated ID maps manually but it does not work, the original errors just keeps happening on the textures.
Is there a configuration to get the generated maps just like the original ID map? so I don't end up with blank spaces?
Thank you very much for any help.