Hi! It's Azunyahu here. My nickname in League of Legends is xxxAzukixxx (if you wanna play with me hehe). I was playing the league like 4 years and I'm absolutely absorted with the art of this game. My dream is work for this company, and I'm always designing skins and characters. I'm not considered the best one but I make my art the best I can, with so much love, because I love League of Legends.
Well!! XD In this entry I made a Hextech skin for Morgana. My inspiration is the old classic steampunk ladies styles and Morgana is a superlady, with sexy style and dressed well. I wanted to do the same idea that Annie, more reallistic, less robotic. With tones like brown, gold and violet. The pale skin is necesary to do the role of Morgana. And the hair is a classic aristrocathic hair, but savage in this case, black like Morgana's soul.
Well, that's the concept and this is the WIP. Hope you like it!

And this is the final piece, the close one is for detail on the face. I know, it's not the best skin, but, you know, I love Morgana ahaha. K, I'm not supp