Hello everyone! thank you so much for reading this, I really hope you guys can give me some inputs to help me clear some things up when i'm doing my workflow to achieve my goal.
My goal : Hand painted models/scene/texture
What i want to achieve is something like this (awesome stuff from FAF) :
My current workflow :
1. Sculpt hings in zbrush, export the high poly
2. decimate it, zremesh things, quick uvmaster and export the low poly.
3. use xnormals to bake the sculpts ive done from HI to LO
and that's it...
I've manage to sculpt something, decimation master it, and zremesh out the decimated result! so i have the high poly sculpt obj, and the zremeshed obj
what i need to know is, after those things that I've done, what should i do next to refine the texture? should i just paint over the model using some software? or should i just export the generated UV from UVmaster and paint over it? or is there any steps that I've missed and i should do?
note :
sadly, my retopology and UV knowledge and ability are definitely limited, so far ive only know how to create automatic retopology (zremesh) and automatic UV creation (UVmaster)
i need suggestions to help me with this, I've been struggling with the correct workflow for a couple of years now, and i need to move forward, heheh.
Billion of thanks in advance, and anything that you can share with me would be very helpful. and i bid you a very very great day!