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Sorting issue in Maya 2016...and NO depth peeling doesn't solve it!

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Jb0nes null
Hi all. I've exhausted all of my resources in trying to find a solution to an issue I'm experiencing in Maya. So now I'm finally stopping by the forums to post. To ask all of you and your combined brain power, to help me out here. 

So here's the problem. I'm working one a hair style using cards. The cards that I place on top are 'ghosted' or transparent so I can see straight through to the cards underneath. This is a huge issue because any additional cards I want to place on top I cannot place precisely since I can't see how they're interacting with the other hairs. Bringing the model into Marmoset, or Unreal every time I place a card just so I can check on it's placement is not an option, I'll be here forever. 

So here's what I have tried:
- As it says in the title yes I've tried viewport 2.0 transparency options, I'm leaving it on depth peeling because the other options are worse but no depth peeling doesn't eliminate the issue. Far from it actually. 
- I've updated my graphics driver 
- Reset Maya's preferences
- Imported the whole scene into a fresh scene
- Imported the whole scene into 3ds Max
- Tried various shaders (I'm using a simple lambert)
- Turned off on screen AO 
- Alpha is Luminance (under shaders color balance tab) is unchecked
- I'm using srgb color space
- My texture file is a 32 bit Targa

I'm not sure if I missed anything but I should also point out that this displays properly on other computers. I know because I sent the file to some people and they reported no sorting issues. 

It's difficult to show the issue without a video of me orbiting around it. But here's an image and I circled 3 problem areas. The one up top is the back faces of a card that's way in the front of her head, and the other two are circled because you can see the tops of the cards where the texture ends. This shouldn't be visible either since it's covered by ample amounts hair. 

When the textures are turned off you can see there's a lot more going on than what the textured shot is showing. 

Lastly I'm on Windows 10 64 bit and my GFX card is a Nvidia geforce gtx 1080 ti. I can't believe that my graphics card would be the problem but..computers can be fickle right? 

I would greatly appreciate any help. Any more information needed just let me know! 
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