Hi There ! I'm David and actually I'm 3d Environment Artist at Lightbulb Crew. It is my first Riot contest and I have to say that i'm I'm really impressed by the work I've seen ! This really exiting !
I decided to create an "Art Deco" skin for Ashe, Why Ashe ? Cause she has a Bow -_- . I finished ma research about her clothes style. Not yet for Bow and Quiver. I hesitated betwenn the third and the fifth. And finally I think that the last is more elegante.
Hope you like it.

The last character is the best!
Besides I love the colour you chose and the fine gold strokes . This is more effective and pretty than the others.
And does she have a relationship with Emily Kaldwin? ^^
I want to see the next step!
See you
Cool design, interested in seeing the bow and quiver now.
Here is my current progress on ZBrush.
A will change a bit her face. She is actually with a dead fish expression....
Next step Bow and Quiver. Color research and "Art Deco" details will be searched on Substance Painter.
Hope you like it.
I think you can stylize even more some features such as the transitions between boots and legs, forearm sleeves and arms, and make the hood a bit bigger and pointer.
That's what I would do, here is a paintover to explain, but I may have exaggerated a bit...
Also I think the shape of the bottom of the coat is a bit too simple, maybe breaking the symmetry would help?
The face is already looking good, I'd just maybe make the mouth slightly bigger and push the eyes one the 3/4 view a bit more.
Very cool design overall, can't wait to see the art deco patterns you'll give her!
Des bisous !
I agree with lot of them. I will make a more dynamic shape as yours.
Des bisous
I made some work during this month, so it's time to share it.
This is my retopo, it wasn't really fun .....
Triangles : 8082.
Here are my UVs and Texture.
And my final result.
I hope you will like it.
This is my last submission.
It has been a pleasure to do this contest and see your work.
See you next time.
Des Bsx !
Nice dynamic pose!
Mais c est toi GG !