Hello all! FrostbittnSeeker here! I've been playing League for a while now and figured I'd push myself to try and join this contest. First timer here!
Of all the characters in League that I've felt a connection with, Soraka has been the champion that I've been in love with since the beginning. I adore her story, and love most of her skins, but wanted something a bit more badass than the last few that have been released. Think Reaper-esque. So the idea came to try and create a Blood Moon version of my favorite Starchild.
Here are some of the mood boards I'm using as reference:
Soraka, The Starchild

Blood Moon (Color & Design Reference)

I've done a little bit of work so far, mostly centered on her mask. I wanted to add a little bit of story to it, even if it's only slightly noticable. I felt drawn to the design of no mouth for a while, and rolled with that. After some discussion with friends, I settled on a final mask idea. After this, it's on to her staff and then her general outfit. After that, the illustration!
The Mask (Idealization)

Mask (Finalized)

That's what I've got so far! Hoping to get moving on this over the next few weeks and get her design down, and then have January to do most of the illustration!
Thanks for coming by and checking this out!!
~ Frostbittnseeker
And # 4 for the bottom