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[WIP] The Littlest Target Trouble (Rengar vs. Lulu???)

A more lighthearted tale, starring one pissed off kitty that many of us have loved to hate at some point in our League of Legends experience and the one and only suppordle, whom may prove be his greatest adversary yet! But maybe, just maybe, this could even be the start of a beautiful - albeit unlikely - friendship!

I think it could be great fun to explore the relationships between some champions outside of the Rift...~

The Littlest Target Trouble

Rengar had watched the lone Yordle girl gather fallen acorns off the ground from the always perfect cover of tall grass, contemplating what it was about her that irritated him the most. Perhaps it was her incessant, tuneless humming, which had made it far too easy for the hyper alert hunter to find her in this mostly undisturbed neck of the woods. Or, it could have been her awkward hobbling gait, that he imagined meant any chase she might put up wouldn't last anywhere near long enough to quench his mid-afternoon blood lust. Then again, she did appear laughable toting around such a needlessly large rod, and donning a hat that might have been about as tall as she was if it stood upright, rather than sagging beneath the weight of the acorns and whatever other articles of useless junk she kept stashed inside it. 

At the very least her large, misshapen head would make for a unique inclusion among his other trophies, or so he considered with a shrug and a grunt of indifference, as he equipped his dual curved hunting knives. Maybe if he hit her hard enough candy would fly out of that ridiculous hat, he pondered with a teeth-baring grin.  

In any case, he would not suffer the horrible humming - in what he had decided was his territory, solely on account of him being there - any longer.

The jungle cat proceeded to leap out of the brush with a mighty roar, leaning his arms back behind his head so that he could bring both knives down and end this utter joke of a quarry in a single decisive blow. However, what he had initially gauged to be an easy, clean kill, became infinitely more complicated than he could have possibly foreseen. 

A cloud of smoke erupted around Rengar in mid-air, transforming the once fierce feline hunter into a common forest squirrel, and his knives into an arguably harmless pair of acorns, that rolled away to become lost in the countless others scattered across the ground.  

"Mean kitty!" Lulu said, lifting the squirrel off the ground by its furry armpits, then cradling it in her arms as if it were a fussy baby. "You should know better than to sneak up on someone like that!" 

Rengar, confused by what had just happened but no less intent on committing acts of violence in his weakened state, bit into the girl's wrist when she tried to pat him on the head. Small streaks of blood poured out of the pathetic wound, and he laughed internally as his preposterously pint-sized oppressor abruptly grew silent, bowing her head slightly so that her face was hidden by the shade of her deep purple bangs. 

"I just wanted to get to know you," she said as she looked up, as big blobs of tears formed in her eyes. "But with all the flavors squirrels love to snack on, you had to choose my hand!" 

Rengar managed a smile in his new form thinking about how stupid the girl was, and was determined to remain latched unto her wrist until she changed him back. 

However, the Fae Sorceress was to surprise him yet again. Calling upon her several centuries worth of accrued knowledge about small woodland creatures, Lulu pinched scrawny Squirrel-gar around his skinny Sciuridaen neck with one hand in such a way that it prompted him to unhinge his jaws. 

"Guys are all the same!" she said, fuming. "Jerks that always wanna fight!" 

She then drop-kicked the defenseless Pridestalker, with an unexpected amount of force. The punt sent his short haired butt hurtling straight into a knot hole in a distant tree, screaming, much to the displeasure of the owl that had been snoozing within - a sentiment which the avian variety strongly expressed by way of a thrashing beak and talons. 

While he struggled to defend himself from the attack, Rengar in his perhaps slightly sharper than usual squirrel brain began to regret the choices he'd made that lead up to this rather sorry chapter in his life. 

Lulu stood by, waiting to pluck him from the tree only when she was sure he'd learned his lesson. 

“Are you gonna be a nice little squirrel, now?” 

Squirrelgar, bruised and battered, rolled his eyes at her babying tone. Seeing this, she threatened to shove him back into the 
knothole for another round with the owl, but he squeaked and squealed for mercy. 

Fine, Rengar decided, as he looked Lulu in the eyes and reluctantly issued her a nod. Being able to adapt to intense situations is part and parcel for a great hunter

So, if this infuriating prey insisted he be a nice squirrel, he would be the nicest damn squirrel there ever was.  

At least until he could sink his real teeth into her... 
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