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Local symmetry breaks when rotating subtool in Zbrush

polycounter lvl 8
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Ruflse polycounter lvl 8
Howdy PC, I have a small problem with Zbrush 4r8 P2 that I don't know how I didn't realise of until now, so maybe you can help.
In Zbrush I can move or scale a subtool and the local symmetry adapts to those changes without any problem, but when I try to rotate it the local orientation of the subtool doesn't change and so its local symmetry plane doesn't rotate with it:

Before rotation:

After rotation:

I can use posable symmetry, but it only works in a single axis and is topology dependant, so if I use Dynamesh or Zremesher it breaks. This is real annoying when I'm trying to concept a character that has symmetrical pieces, because if I try to put those pieces in place to visualize what I'm doing I lose local symmetry and so the hability to keep concepting them unless I limit myself to not making big changes in the topology and using posable symmetry.
Is there any solution for this?


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