Hi, guys! I was inspired by few people to make a fan version of Oseram malevanguard from Horizon: Zero Down game. First thanks Brendon Isaiah Bengtson for his videos. After watching some episodes I really understood what character I'd like to make)) Second thanks to amazing artists who made those concepts to work with. Please, take a look at their work:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L9mD0https://www.artstation.com/artwork/65ONrOk, now it's my part's time. Here is my ref base

Until this time I finished the blocking mostly. I've got the primary shape and proportions I'm happy with, without going into details. So I thought that I need some fresh look on my work on this stage before I can start making the detailed high poly model.
Feel free to make a comment

The full-character view. I also updated tassets(?) which protect legs, but I decided do not bother putting high-poly on the model. I'll bake it apart and attach low-poly versions later. I also fixed proportions a bit and the guy has got new hands. Let's see it closer!
Pants are unsymmetrical, but boots are mirrored. I was planning to make them completely symmetrical, but maybe I'll break the symmetry with textures a bit.
Then I had to rebuild folds on panties, especially under straps, because I didn't like how they showed on the ref. First I made folds the same horizontally, but it felt not right all the time. I took my the loosest panties and simulate straps pressure. I've got vertical folds instead. So I made them like this:
Instead of like on the ref:
The connection between the front and the back of the upper part of the boot doesn't match the ref exactly. I couldn't understand the construction exactly so I made it a bit in my own way.
This is the tasset I was talking about. I made the one unique. I'll make a low poly from it and put the low poly on the final model later on. I guess it saves me some time.
The arm protection is made in the same way:
To make this WIP more interesting and informative, I've prepared the small breakdown. I hope you'll find it interesting.
Please, let me know which parts of this WIP I should explain better and with such breakdowns or in any other way. And also feel free to ask questions about this topic.
Some close up shots to show the details:
The rough-made buckle! All by hand, all by hand))
Some metal plates. First wanted to go crazier with details, to make even those wires which hold the metal plates in the place in a worn aged way of looking. But later I decided that it's gonna be too much))
The lower-arm itself. Most of the parts were made in the same way as I did before. Like straps, bracers, fabrics. The hand I took from a base mesh. It wasn't my goal to sculpt hand from the scratch here. From the new approach stuff is the fingerless gloves.
The mix of noise generator and hand sculpting. I used two noises, one for the skin surface with a skin alpha, another one for the skin end face where it cut, I took the noise I made for my realistic Red Wings project https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LXDkr. It gave me such end face surface:
Here is the texture:
The fact my skin pattern was based on the texture applied by UVs gave me a possibility to add a new layer with the same texture when I need it. Even If I went far from the first layer and can't use a morph target easily to bring back the details. With the last layer, I just applied the skin noise again, but this time only in particular areas using masking.
Basically, it looked like this:
With the mask intensity, I controlled how much I'd like the details to go back in specific areas.
It is too much for such small element, I know. But it always good to try something different, just to see how it works.
Now the dude looks like this:
If it's Mayne Reid's The Headless Horseman, It would be done already!)) But it's now, so moving on! The helmet part is waiting for some work))
Update of the helmet part
I haven't make any specific head so far, but I'm planning to do that. So I prepared the face protection to be opened. I integrated the metal piece from the inside
The guy looks like this now:
It could be done already, but I've got some critiques about the fabrics folds, which I'm going to improve. And also I'm going to go through the whole model and to check one again if I'm happy with all the parts.
1) The proportions update. It's no longer a short man with a dwarf-like proportions:
Also fixed the neck, hands, feet and some body shapes.
2) Cloth update. Pants
3) Cloth update. Sleeves
4) Hand protection. Made it more logical and interesting. Also made a better version of gloves for baking
5) There is also some changes with a head and face protection
6) Added some details to the back part to make it more interesting
7) Made a weapon for this guy. It's a combat hammer!
I made the winding differently from how I did it before on the armor. This time I duplicate a handle of the hammer, cut cylinders in places I'd like to have the winding. Using ZModeller - Insert Multiple EdgeLoops (Edge) I've got such base:
And applied Panel Loops with such parameters to this base.
Next I copied the tool, moved the elements a bit, deleted some parts, created a visibility of layering.
The result looks like this
After this I decided that's it's time to go to a low poly finally, posed the high poly using Transpose Master, rendered it. Here's the final result
There are still some small mistakes I see. But I'm gonna fix them on the low poly stage.
Have a good day!
How did you do to clean up the cloth parts so nicely?
That's the part with baked normals + normals from the texture. Quite flat, isn't it?
That's the part after adding one node to the material. Better?
I used a texture with properly wrinkled leather. Applied it through the mask, based on AO and made it lower than the base Leather using layers on its Height (don't forget to change the color and roughness respectively! It never stays the same in such situation). That gave me the result when the texture in pushed with the straps and it's more wrinkled in concaves. The mask looks like that:
I hope you'll find it useful!