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Watercolour Church

polycounter lvl 7
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DesireeFernandes polycounter lvl 7
Hi folks, I'm trying to get the finishing touches complete for this piece done, and I would like some feedback on the texturing and lighting. This was an entry for the Beyond Human challenge a few months back, I have my WIP progress there: https://www.artstation.com/contests/beyond-human/challenges/30/submissions/21739

Here's where I'm currently at:

Breakdown of (most of) the individual assets:

And here's the concept art:

The main thing I want to do is get more of the colours present in the concept art into my piece, as my scene currently is primarily red and orange. I also need to make the foliage better, and have more variety. As far as the lighting goes, I'm hoping the 4.18 Unreal update will make that process easier, because my lighting right now seems too dark and orange-tinted. I chose to forego the statues for the challenge because I'm not great with characters, but I may revisit the idea and make veiled versions of the statues (to avoid anatomy issues).

If anyone has any suggestions or critiques, I'd be more than happy to hear them. Thanks!


  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    Cooooool! Are you planning on doing some sort of painterly post process effect to try and simulate the watercolory-ness of the concept? 

    Your current colors are waaay more saturated than in the concept, so maybe pull back on that a little bit eh?
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